Converting ideas into reality is challenging. In any industry, planning and presenting ideas before taking the necessary action are crucial for the success of any project. This is why a qualified Draftsman is important.
Auctrix with its competent team has been in the industry of providing quality hiring solutions to businesses around the world in need of professionals who meet their goals and requirements. We do this by choosing the best candidates for the role.
All our Structural Drafters are skilled CADD operatives in both the construction and engineering industries. Their extensive experience includes the ability to create CADD drawings of buildings, bridges, mechanical designs, and even circuitry among others. They can work as architectural drafters or civil drafters, providing the expertise and scalability your company demands.
Hire Dedicated Structural Drafters and save up to 75% compared to hiring locally.
Contact us to learn about our transparent fixed monthly rates with no long-term contracts.
Our team makes sure to support our Drafters with the necessary tools and training to be at par with international standards. Auctrix Draftsman uses best practices and works within industry standards. They are also able to perform the following tasks:
We value your business by only choosing the best fit for the role you require. To hire a Draftsman today, contact Auctrix now.